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How Purpose And Employee Empowerment Can Stop Burnout

Burnout has become a global phenomenon that affects a wide range of professions, reduces productivity and hurts the overall economy. It also takes a social and psychological toll on those who suffer from it. Moreover, trying to simply decrease stress and schedule relaxation time is not working to stop what Jennifer Moss calls, the burnout epidemic. Leaders need to consider how they can effectively address the root causes of burnout and not use ill-conceived wellness programs to address some of its symptoms.

Burnout is often incorrectly mistaken for prolonged stress, though chronic stress can induce burnout, depending on why such stress occurs. In general, stress occurs as a normal reaction to external stimuli or pressures. A product of the “fight-or-flight response,” in the short-term it allows people to respond quickly to challenges that they may face. Some even experience “eustress” in moments of increased pressure at work, which is a feeling of excitement, fulfillment and satisfaction despite the presence of stress.